The Benefits of Geriatric Rehabilitation in Improving Quality of Life

Geriatrics or the elderly represent a population of tens of millions in Indonesia. As age increases, physiological abilities may decline. Functional disorders in the elderly are often referred to as geriatric syndromes. These disorders include the following:

  • Immobility, such as prolonged bed rest in elderly individuals with conditions that make it difficult to engage in activities.
  • Instability or risk of falling, whether due to health issues affecting the legs, such as osteoarthritis, or due to impaired balance.
  • Declining intellectual function, for example, caused by dementia.
  • Isolation/depression
  • Impaction or constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Impairment of hearing and vision
  • Inanition, or difficulty eating and malnutrition

Restoring function through rehabilitation can help address immobility, incontinence, declining intellectual function, instability, joint stiffness, and accompanying metabolic disorders. Elderly individuals with metabolic and neurological issues such as Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, low back pain, or Diabetes Mellitus—especially with its complications—may struggle with daily activities.

Geriatric rehabilitation is a form of healthcare service for the elderly that aims to restore or optimize an individual’s abilities after experiencing health disorders that lead to physiological decline. Geriatric rehabilitation plays a role in maintaining and/or improving a patient’s quality of life (health, vitality, physical condition, and function), as well as preventing or reducing impairments, disabilities, and handicaps. The rehabilitation team at Jakarta Rehab Clinic can provide comprehensive medical rehabilitation services for the elderly, ranging from physical therapy to psychological support.

Physical exercise and stretching are fundamental in improving the bodily functions of the elderly, particularly in terms of cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal health. In addition to increasing strength, exercises and stretching also enhance flexibility and support daily mobility.

Examples of flexibility exercises include:

  1. Neck stretch
    This exercise stretches the sides of the neck. The patient moves their head from right to left until it is level with the shoulder. The movement is repeated slowly to avoid muscle strain or dizziness.
  2. Shoulder push-out
    This movement stretches the upper body and shoulders. The patient clasps their fingers together and lifts their hands above their head. The hands are pushed upward while keeping the elbows straight.
  3. Body curl
    This exercise targets the lower back and spine. The patient lies on their back and slowly pulls both knees toward their chest using their hands. The head is gently moved forward toward the knees. The position is held briefly before returning to the starting position.

To enhance strength, the following exercises can be performed:

  1. Arm push-out
    This exercise strengthens the arms and shoulders. The patient stands facing a wall at an arm’s length distance. Slowly, they inhale while bending their elbows and bringing their body closer to the wall. Heels can be lifted if needed. The patient then exhales slowly while pushing their body away from the wall, returning to the starting position to repeat the movement.
  2. Bridging
    This exercise targets the lower back and gluteal muscles. The patient lies on their back with both knees bent, then slowly lifts their hips. The hips are held in a raised position for six counts before the patient relaxes and lowers their hips. This exercise is repeated multiple times.

There are many other exercises that can help improve physical strength. In addition to self-performed exercises, therapy assisted by professionals is also available. Therefore, Jakarta Rehab Clinic provides gymnasium facilities with healthcare professionals who can guide elderly individuals in their physical training.


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